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Request for Proposals No. 2020250 
Профессиональное обслуживание ГРПШ

This call for bids is archived
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Профессиональное обслуживание ГРПШ
Профессиональное обслуживание ГРПШ

Technical services; Technical testing and analysis services[X]; Special examination services[X];
Quantity:1 шт.
Total price:Price not specified
Contract award criteria:Price incl. VAT (show both prices)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:08.02.2022 12:00
Last edited:03.02.2022 12:20
Organizer (Initiator):TOO "Batys Petroleum"
Additional info
Per-item bid submission:Not applicable. Proposal shall cover the entire lot.
Hide bid prices during bids submission period:Yes
Upload of bid-related documents required
Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered.
Payment terms:По факту выполнения работ
Delivery terms:На территории заказчика
Georeferencing:060001, Казахстан, Атырауская область, г. Атырау, Промышленная зона АНПЗ, строение 14
Место проведения процедуры:Данная процедура проводится в электронной форме, предложения участников подаются только через функционал ЭТП ETS-Tender.

This call for bids is archived
Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available
Latest submitted bids
Status of bidding: archived.
Organizer's decision:
The Organizer has announced the results on 15.02.2022 at 16:00
and declared the call for bids void.
Notifications have been sent to bidders.
Total bids: 0