Поставка партии компьютерного, сетевого и телекоммуникационного оборудования.
Category of the Uniform Item Identification Guide: |
262013.000.000011 262016.300.000003 262016.900.000002 Show all (14 more)
262013.000.000011 262016.300.000003 262016.900.000002 262018.900.000006 263021.900.000001 263021.900.000002 263021.900.000003 263023.900.000045 263023.900.000046 263023.900.000047 263023.900.000076 263023.900.000077 263023.900.000078 263023.900.000079 264031.900.000007 264033.900.000006 264043.700.000001 Hide 14 categories |
Total price: | Price not specified |
Currency: | KZT |
Contract award criteria: | price excl. of VAT (show both prices) |
Publication date: | 14.11.2024 16:22 |
Bid submission deadline: | 25.11.2024 15:21 (was extended by 21 min, 26 sec) |
Last edited: | 22.11.2024 11:29 |
Organizer (Initiator): | TOO «Best Prais Kazakhstan» |
| Additional info |
Per-item bid submission Bidders can submit a bid for separate items within the call for bids : | Applicable |
Restriction on submission of a bid higher than previously submitted Bidding initiator has set a restriction on submission of a bid with a price which is higher than the price of the previous bid submitted by the bidder. Once the bid is submitted, the stated price can not be increased. : | Yes |
Upload of bid-related documents required Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered. : | Yes |
Ranking of bids In the course of bidding, a price-based rank (position) shall be assigned to a quotation.
Assignment of the 1st rank (position) to a bid does not imply the bidder's winning, but enhances the bid's preferability for the Buyer when selecting the winner, all other factors being equal. : | Yes |
Auto-extension If within the last 30 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 30 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
In calls for bids with bids ranking, bid submission deadline will automatically be extended in the same manner if the rank of a bidder changes. : | 30 minutes |
Payment terms: | Предпочтительна отсрочка платежа, готовы рассмотреть иные варианты. |
Delivery terms: | Силами Поставщика до адреса Заказчика. Груз передается россыпью или на европаллете. |
Georeferencing: | 010000, Казахстан, Астана, ул. Бейбитшилик, дом 14, офис 302 |
Место проведения процедуры: | Данная процедура проводится в электронной форме, предложения участников подаются только через функционал ЭТП ETS-Tender. |
| Additional fields | |
Latest submitted bids | Status of bidding: archived. | Organizer's decision: The Organizer has announced the results on 05.12.2024 at 15:46 and selected winners: - TOO "Temir Communications" – (Bidder 5) (Әубәкір Ә.Т.) submitting a bid dated of 27.11.2024 16:20
for items No. 2, 7, 8, 4 - TOO «Lanon» – (Bidder 3) (Раскина М.В.) submitting a bid dated of 27.11.2024 16:08
on Item No. 1 - "TIGAN" OOO – (Bidder 9) (Коржаневская Е.) submitting a bid dated of 27.11.2024 16:25
for items No. 3, 9, 11
Reject all offers for items No. 5, 6, 10 Обоснование: 1 - ПО не предустановлено, монитор не соответствует требованию
5 - не сможет поставить из за скачка курса.
6 - не сможет поставить из за скачка курса.
7 - занявший первое место не соответствует ТЗ. второе место не сможет поставить из за скачка курса.
10 - не сможет поставить из за скачка курса. Notifications have been sent to bidders. | - On-line Rebidding No.1 is held on 27.11.2024 at 16:55
| Ranking (by price) | Company / Date | Bid for Items No. 2 Bid is admitted to rebidding | TOO "KazConsult inc." (Bidder 6) Mailybaev R.M. 21.11.2024 12:01:00 | Bid for Items No. 1-3, 5-11 Bid is admitted to rebidding | TOO «ZP International» (Bidder 7) Etezova N.Kh. 21.11.2024 13:41:51 | Bid for Items No. 1, 3, 7, 8, 11 Bid is admitted to rebidding Signed with e-signature | TOO Netco (Bidder 8) Dem'ianenko S.A. 21.11.2024 14:20:58 | Bid for Items No. 1-3, 5-11 Bid is admitted to rebidding | TOO Forward L (Bidder 1) Tokishev K.S. 25.11.2024 14:30:22 | Bid for Items No. 1, 2, 9, 11 Bid is admitted to rebidding | TOO «SG Kazakhstan (Es dzhi Kazakhstan)» (Bidder 2) Useinova S.B. 25.11.2024 15:08:38 | Bid for Items No. 1 Bids submitted during rebidding Bid submitted for rebidding | TOO Technoforce (Bidder 4) Stankevich R.V. 27.11.2024 15:51:37 | Bid for Items No. 1 Bids submitted during rebidding Bid submitted for rebidding Signed with e-signature | TOO «Lanon» (Bidder 3) Raskina M.V. 27.11.2024 16:08:14 | Bid for Items No. 1-4, 7, 8 Bids submitted during rebidding Bid submitted for rebidding Signed with e-signature | TOO "Temir Communications" (Bidder 5) Әubәkіr Ә.T. 27.11.2024 16:20:09 | Bid for Items No. 3, 9, 11 Bids submitted during rebidding Bid submitted for rebidding | "TIGAN" OOO (Bidder 9) Korzhanevskaia E. 27.11.2024 16:25:17 | Total bids: 9. More >> |