Latest submitted bids |
Status of bidding: archived. |
Organizer's decision: The Organizer has announced the results on 25.11.2024 at 15:36 and selected the winner: TOO «ELand» (Баймухаметов М.) submitting a bid dated of 21.10.2024 11:48 totalling to 3 225 000,00 KZT (price excl. of VAT) for all items Обоснование: По результатам рассмотрения поступивших заявок по тендеру №2059568 признать победителем по позициям №1-3 ТОО «ELand» - поставщик предоставил наиболее выгодное ценовое предложение соответствующее заявленным тех. характеристикам. Notifications have been sent to bidders. |
Price / offer | Company / Date  |
3 037 428,62 KZT (amount without VAT) Bid for Items No. 1-3 | TOO \"ALSI\" Kasymzhan Zh. 21.10.2024 11:59:43 |
3 149 200,00 KZT (amount without VAT) Bid for Items No. 1-3 | TOO "PF "ALISD" Durdin A.V. 21.10.2024 11:54:57 |
3 225 000,00 KZT (amount without VAT) Bid for Items No. 1-3 Signed with e-signature | TOO «ELand» Baimukhametov M. 21.10.2024 11:48:54 |
3 446 890,00 KZT (amount without VAT) Bid for Items No. 1-3 Signed with e-signature | TOO "KazConsult inc." Mailybaev R.M. 21.10.2024 11:12:02 |
4 180 450,00 KZT (the sum is not subect to VAT) Bid for Items No. 1-3 Signed with e-signature | TOO "TAAAS Group" Tursunalin A.A. 21.10.2024 10:56:37 |
3 562 876,00 KZT (amount without VAT) Bid for Items No. 1-3 Signed with e-signature | TOO DIMIRUS Subbota D.S. 21.10.2024 10:29:06 |
921 475,00 KZT (the sum is not subect to VAT) Bid for Items No. 2, 3 | «Universal Business Systems «Establishment» Limited Liability Partnership Uchastnik U. 21.10.2024 09:42:03 |
3 836 900,00 KZT (the sum is not subect to VAT) Bid for Items No. 1-3 Signed with e-signature | TOO "Kompaniia Arlan Servis" Rustimov A.A. 19.10.2024 13:18:45 |
3 286 421,42 KZT (amount without VAT) Bid for Items No. 1-3 Signed with e-signature | TOO Forward L Tokishev K.S. 15.10.2024 16:41:42 |
Total bids: 9. More >> |