Хозяйственные товары, моющие и чистящие средства Перечень хоз.товаров и бытовой химии
Category of the Uniform Item Identification Guide: |
139229.590.000002 204131.900.000000 204132.570.000000 Show all (7 more)
139229.590.000002 204131.900.000000 204132.570.000000 222211.300.000000 222923.700.000009 222923.900.000004 222923.900.000005 222923.900.000006 222923.900.000007 461811.000.000003 Hide 7 categories |
Total price: | Price not specified |
Currency: | KZT |
Contract award criteria: | price excl. of VAT (show basic price only) |
Publication date: | 11.02.2025 16:27 |
Bid submission deadline: | 18.02.2025 12:27 (was extended by 27 min, 19 sec) |
Last edited: | 13.02.2025 16:22 |
Organizer (Initiator): | TOO «Carlsberg Kazakhstan (Karlsberg Kazakhstan)» |
| Additional info |
Per-item bid submission Bidders can submit a bid for separate items within the call for bids : | Applicable |
Upload of bid-related documents required Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered. : | Yes |
Auto-extension If within the last 30 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 30 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
: | 30 minutes |
Payment terms: | постоплата 93 календарных дня начиная с первого числа следующего месяца в котором была осуществлена поставка Товара;
Либо предложить альтернативные условия оплаты. |
Delivery terms: | DDP |
Georeferencing: | 050014, Казахстан, Алматы, Казыбаева 270 В |
Место проведения процедуры: | Данная процедура проводится в электронной форме, предложения участников подаются только через функционал ЭТП ETS-Tender. |
| Additional fields | |
Latest submitted bids | Status of bidding: archived. | Organizer's decision: The Organizer has announced the results on 07.03.2025 at 12:48 and selected the winner: OfficeTrade – (Bidder 1) (Хасянов Ю.А.) submitting a bid dated of 18.02.2025 11:57 totalling to 14 000 115,00 KZT (price excl. of VAT) for all items Обоснование: полнота перечня + цена Notifications have been sent to bidders. | - Rebidding No.1 is held on 25.02.2025 at 12:00
| Price / offer | Company / Date  | 15 680 128,80 KZT (amount without VAT: 14 000 115,00 KZT) Bid for Items No. 1-59 Bid is admitted to rebidding | OfficeTrade (Bidder 1) Khasianov Iu.A. 18.02.2025 11:57:19 | 8 943 368,00 KZT (amount without VAT: 7 985 150,00 KZT) Bid for Items No. 1-59 Bid is admitted to rebidding | "Merei" IP (Bidder 4) Rakhimzhanova D.B. 18.02.2025 11:57:10 | 20 038 160,94 KZT (amount without VAT: 17 891 215,10 KZT) Bid for Items No. 1-59 Bid is admitted to rebidding | TOO "SNABSTROY" (Bidder 3) Deviatkin S.N. 18.02.2025 11:06:26 | 16 770 880,00 KZT (amount without VAT: 14 974 000,00 KZT) Bid for Items No. 1-58 Bid is admitted to rebidding Signed with e-signature | "Sәken" IP (Bidder 2) Sәken Қ.S. 18.02.2025 10:53:14 | Total bids: 4. More >> |