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Request for Proposals No. 1145 
Геодренажная мебрана с фильтр. геотекстилем

This call for bids is archived
Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available

Геодренажная мебрана с фильтр. геотекстилем
Геодренажная мебрана с фильтр. геотекстилем (прочность на сжатие 400 кН/м2) 16 мм

Polymer materials; Polymer resins, rubber[X]; Plastic materials and products[X]; Glass reinforced plastic[X]; Production of plastic products[X];
Quantity:6 224 м2
Total price:Price not specified
Contract award criteria:Price incl. VAT (show basic price only)
Publication date:
Bid submission deadline:21.01.2019 16:00
Last edited:17.01.2019 11:11
Organizer (Initiator):TOO «Ariia-Zhaңa Astana»
Additional info
Per-item bid submission:Not applicable. Proposal shall cover the entire lot.
Restriction on submission of a bid higher than previously submitted
Bidding initiator has set a restriction on submission of a bid with a price which is higher than the price of the previous bid submitted by the bidder. Once the bid is submitted, the stated price can not be increased.
Alternative bids
Alternative bid is a bid, of which the terms and conditions differ from those established in the bid-related documents.
Upload of bid-related documents required
Bids not supported with documentation will not be considered.
Procurement documentation:Not uploaded
If within the last 30 minutes of bid submission period a new bid is submitted, then bid submission deadline will automatically be extended by 30 minutes from the time the last bid is submitted.
30 minutes
Payment terms:минимальная предоплата, остаток по факту поставки товара с отсрочкой платежа.
Delivery terms:С доставкой до объекта: п.Комсомольский, ул.Кайым Мухамедханова, участок №17
Georeferencing:п.Комсомольский, ул.Кайым Мухамедханова, участок №17
Место проведения процедуры:Данная процедура проводится в электронной форме, предложения участников подаются только через функционал ЭТП ETS-Tender.

This call for bids is archived
Participation in bidding is no longer possible. You may wish to check similar calls for bids currently available
Latest submitted bids
Status of bidding: archived.
Organizer's decision:
The Organizer has announced the results on 02.03.2019 at 12:03
and declared the call for bids void.
Notifications have been sent to bidders.
Price / offerCompany / Date Sorted by descending
8 200 000,00 KZT (price excl. of VAT: 7 321 428,57 KZT)
TOO \"Khimpartner №1\" (Bidder 3) Golubev D.N.
18.01.2019 17:47:57
8 739 250,00 KZT (price excl. of VAT: 7 802 901,79 KZT)
TOO \"RIKAZ\" (Bidder 2) Zhumagulova A.K.
18.01.2019 16:35:10
8 739 328,66 KZT (VAT free)
\"NOVA GEOMATERIALY\" OOO (Bidder 1) Iugai D.T.
18.01.2019 14:36:07
Total bids: 3. More >>